signs that your baby is getting enough milk checlist image

Signs Your Baby is Getting Enough Milk Checklist

They say that breastfeeding helps mothers lose weight. I have been nursing for 10 days….But my baby is the one who is losing weight. Oh Oh!


How do you know if your new baby is getting enough milk? How can you be sure that your bottle-fed infant is getting adequate nutrition? What is normal weight gain for an infant after birth? How can you tell if your infant is gaining enough weight? What to do when your infant loses too much weight after birth or isn’t gaining enough? check the signs that your baby is getting enough milk checklist.


How do you know if your new baby is getting enough milk?

It will be hard for you to tell if your baby is getting enough milk at the first weeks.




As long as your baby is showing the below signs then keep it on you are doing great.


Your baby is getting enough milk when:


o  Baby breastfeeds at least 8 times every 24 hours

o  Baby feeds every 2 hours starting the time breastfeeding has began

o  Baby is alert when awake and ready for feeds

o  Baby is relaxed and satisfied after a feed

o  Breastfeeding feels comfortable and you are free of pain when baby latches on

o  Your breast feels softer and unfull after a feed

o  You can see baby swallowing during a feed

o  You can hear the sound of gulping during a feed

o  He latches properly without causing you pain

o  Your nipple looks the same shape as it was or slightly elongated after a feed

o  Your baby’s skin is healthy and firm. It bounces right back when you, gently, pinch it

o  Baby continues to gain weight after gaining back the weight he/she has lost after birth.

o  Baby has wet 6 to 8 diapers or more in 24 hours, at day 4

o  Baby’s color of urine is light yellow

o  Baby has at least 4 bowel movements with big a stool within 24 hours, at day 4

o  Poo is yellowy-mustard in color after day 4


Other signs that your little one is eating well includes either she/he turns head away or stops sucking at the end of a feed.


Baby is not getting enough milk, when:



o  Baby feeds less than 6 to 8 time within 24 hours

o  Baby’s feeds are not regular (every 3 to 5 hours)

o  Baby is sleepy and hard to wake for feedings

o  Baby is fussy and lethargic most of the time

o  Baby is not satisfied even if feeding took longer than 45 minutes or an hour

o  Breastfeeding is painful after day 5

o  Breast is hard and full after a feeding

o  Rarely hear or see baby swallow while nursing

o  Baby’s Skin loses its resilience (if pinched, it stays pinched)

o  Baby Continues to lose weight

o  Baby has fewer than 5 to 6 wet diapers within 24 starting day 4

o  Baby’s urine is very dark and concentrated as a sign of low on fluids

o  Baby gets less than 4 poopy diapers (small stool) within 24 hours after 5 days

o  Strong-smelling urine


Contact your doctor ASAP when you see the following signs on your baby:


  • Lethargy
  • Weak cry
  • Dry mouth or eyes
  • Listlessness (having no interest of anything)
  • The fontanel (Soft spot) on the baby’s head is sunken or depressed
  • Fever
  • Red-orange crystals (or bright stains) in diapers as a urine after day 4



  1. If your baby didn’t get enough milk he would suffer from dehydration or failure to thrive
  2. Ask about you baby’s weight after birth and also before discharge from hospital
  3. Check baby’s weight regularly.
  4. Every mother’s night mare is not having enough milk to support her baby. Eat well for breast support
  5. Massage your breasts before and after a feeding so you’ll know what’s normal for you.
  6. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 400 IU of vitamin D per day because vitamin D is very crucial nutrient for your baby and is low in breast milk, but first check with your pediatrician about your baby. 
  7. If you failed to notice or hear swallowing, watch your baby’s ears. They will wiggle slightly when the baby swallows.

Related articles:  Breastfeeding supplies checklist 
Safe bottle feeding checklist



How can you be sure that your bottle-fed infant is getting adequate nutrition?


It’s a little bit easier for you to tell if your bottle-fed infant is getting adequate nutrition. Your infant starts taking only 2 to 3 ounces at each feeding at the first week after birth. But by one month of age, most infants are up to 3 to 4 ounces at each feeding. In other words, your formula-fed infant will usually consume an average of 2 to 3 ounces of formula per pound per day. At first try to ask your care provider and later try to check the label on the formula as a guide.


What is normal weight gain after birth?

10 days after birth, infants start to gain weight gradually, as the following:

weight chart of an infant


 This chart can also implies to premature babies who were born before due date or underweight, they might gain weight as fast as any other baby if they showed normal growth and development.


This chart is not a rule that implies 100% to all the babies. Each baby differs in growth and development that should be regularly checked by the physician to protect from obesity.


Babies until 2 months should be seen by a physician every 15 days to check on nutrition (ways of feeding) and measurements (weight, height, circumference of the head and chest).


How can you tell if your infant is gaining enough weight?


Try to track your baby’s wet and dirty diapers. You can use Babycenter app on your phone if you want.


What to do when your infant loses too much weight after birth or isn’t gaining enough?


First you need to consult your doctor once you notice signs that your baby is not getting enough milk, or having less than average dirty diapers. Then try to ask your baby’s doctor about:

  • When to call with concerns
  • How to protect baby from diarrhea
  • How to deal with babywhen he is fussy
  • Bringing in your baby regularly for weighing
  • Specific advice on how to help your baby eat more


What is the normal weight loss for a new baby in the first days after birth?

Usually most of the healthy babies lose between 100 and 500 grams during the first few days after birth. This is because babies are born with extra fluids that reduce after birth.


Don’t be concerned unless your baby loses more than 500 grams of his birth weight.

Have you noticed any of the above signs and you are still alarmed? we would love to here from you in the comment box.


Reference: The American Academy of Pediatrics©

Copyright © 2018.
All content here, including advice from doctors and other health professionals, should be considered as opinion only. Always revert to your physician for impact change in your lifestyle. 

8 thoughts on “Signs Your Baby is Getting Enough Milk Checklist

  1. Lynneah says:

    Great post! Super informative for new moms! I see so many of my mom friends ask about their baby’s eating habits and this would be a very helpful read for them!


  2. Brandy Nicole says:

    Lots of great information! It can be stressful wondering if baby is getting enough, especially in those early days when weight loss is common. I’d like to add though that even champion nursers may not seem satisfied after feeds in the newborn stage and during growth spurts. Breastmilk digests crazy fast! I think as long as all the other signs are looking good, this one can be meaningless sometimes. My girls were both excellent gainers and produced lots of diapers but had stages where they rarely seemed satisfied.

    Anyway, thank you for sharing so much great info on one of my favorite mom topics 🙂


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